Living what I believe

…for the GLORY of GOD

Spring is in the Air…Declaring God’s Glory! April 14, 2008

Well, spring weather is here, hopefully to stay.  I love this time of year.  I’m so ready to put away the coats and sweaters and open up the windows and smell the flowers and go for walks (should say runs, but I’m not excited about that part). 


I love the way that God uses his creation to reveal Himself and also to bring glory to Himself.  God created this world with such a creativity and such a unique beauty.  “It is the glory of the heavens and the earth on which we live that helps us to have a foretaste of the glory of God.”  So true!  Psalm 19:1-6 is an incredible picture of this:

1 The heavens declare the glory of God;
       the skies proclaim the work of his hands.

 2 Day after day they pour forth speech;
       night after night they display knowledge.

 3 There is no speech or language
       where their voice is not heard.

 4 Their voice goes out into all the earth,
       their words to the ends of the world.
       In the heavens he has pitched a tent for the sun,

 5 which is like a bridegroom coming forth from his pavilion,
       like a champion rejoicing to run his course.

6 It rises at one end of the heavens
       and makes its circuit to the other;
       nothing is hidden from its heat.

God reveals Himself to us through His creation so that no one is without excuse of seeing firsthand his glory and marvelous works.  Do you see the glory of God when you see His creation??  Use it as a way to worship Him!



What Are You Doing With Your ABILITIES??? February 19, 2008

Sunday evening, Extreme Makeover Home Edition had on a family with a truly inspirational story.  The story was told of a family whose eldest son, Patrick Henry Hughes, was born without eyes and another condition where he can’t completely straighten his limbs (so basically he is blind and crippled).  It was truly amazing to watch a family with such unconditional love for each other as well as the way Patrick Henry embraces his disability, which he calls an ability, and has achieved unbelievable things.  Patrick Henry is an incredible musician- he sings, plays the piano, and plays the trumpet (in the University of Louisville Marching Band), all with great talent and a sweet spirit.  He says, “God made me blind and unable to walk- big deal.  He gave me the abilities and musical gifts I have, and many other great opportunities.”

Patrick Henry and his dad share a love for music and bonded through music almost immediately.  His dad actually pushes his wheel chair as the marching band plays so that his son can take part in the activities.  He works the graveyard shift and gets 3-4 hours of sleep a night so he can take his son to school and give him as normal life as possible.  Talk about unconditional love. 

 It was so neat to watch this family and hear their story.  I know I was blessed and encouraged.  What an amazing young man Patrick Henry is, and how inspirational that despite being born blind and crippled he is achieving so much in life because he is willing to work hard rather than feel sorry for himself.  No matter what abilities or disabilities God gives us, we have the responsibility to use them for his honor and his glory. 

 I was reminded again of the Hughes family and their story as I was reading through “Experiencing God” this week.  “Don’t ever look at circumstances and question God’s love for you.  His love never changes.  In the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, God forever convinced me that He loved me.  Never allow your heart to question the love of God.”  Often times there’s nothing we can do about our circumstances.  It’s how we react to them that shapes and reflects our character.  Thanks, Patrick Henry Hughes, for choosing to focus on your abilities and bless millions of people through your story. 


Part of the Family…. October 14, 2007

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A few weeks ago I mentioned the Bible Study I’m doing with some ladies from church, Max Lucado’s Cure for the Common Life.  He spends a chapter talking about being part of God’s family of friends, and as I read it I kept thinking, “Wow, that’s what our Student Ministry is becoming!”  As believers, we share a common bond in Christ that no one can take away:

“Amazed by the same manger, stirred by the same Bible, saved by the same cross, and destined for the same home.” 

 I Corinthians 12:27 says, “All of you together are Christ’s body, and each one of you is a separate and necessary part of it.” 

It’s awesome to see you students taking ownership of the ministry, using your gifts for the glory of God.  You each bring something to the ministry no one else does.  You are unique and a necessary part of ODSM- whether you are artistic, a prayer warrior, a worship leader, (or even just enjoy singing!), an encourager, sensitive, a listener, a deep thinker, a visionary, someone who’s committed, a giver, or a servant.  God designed you and wants you to use the gifts He’s given you…..FOR HIS GLORY!!!  Whatever you do, do it the best you can for HIM!!  That’s why our ministry is growing….

“Some lead, some follow, but all help to heal brokenness, to make the body stronger.  How do you recover from hurt and pain?  Through the church.  Friends pray for you, weep with you, and stand by you.  God heals his family through his family.  In the church we use our gifts to love each other, honor one another, keep an eye on troublemakers, and carry each other’s burdens.  Do you need encouragement, prayers, or a hospitable home?  Consider the church God’s treatment center for the common life.  No one is strong all the time.  Don’t miss the place to find your place and heal your hurts.” 

I think this could have been written about ODSM!!  I think that’s what we’re becoming.  We’re beginning to see the big picture and put God and others above ourselves.  God has designed the body of Christ to be our family…an awesome and unique blessing to those who will take advantage of it.  I’m glad I’m part of the family……..


Something About Chambersburg… October 10, 2007

I absolutely LOVE sunsets…one of the highlights of my year is going to Florida and seeing the amazing sunsets over the ocean….but I must admit, I have seen some of the most gorgeous sunsets and sunrises (unfortunately!) the last few days here in Chambersburg.  The skies are painted with bright pinks and oranges…and as the sun comes up and goes down, shining through the clouds, it is absolutely, literally, breath-taking!  I love how God uses simple sunsets to reveal His power and majesty to us.  As I look up into the sky, in awe, I’ve found myself worshipping and praising God for how awesome and powerful He is.  I’m thankful not only for the opportunity I’ve been starting my day in that worshipful attitude, but also that God has chosen to reveal Himself through us in such a powerful thing as nature…..when I look into the sky the verse plays over and over in my mind…Psalm 19:1…

 “The heavens declare the glory of God, and the sky above proclaims his handiwork…”


Making a Big Deal out of God… September 26, 2007

The reason I missed the Vertical Fest, is because I’m doing a Bible Study with Terri and about 7 other women on Max Lucado’s “Cure for the Common Life.”  I love Max Lucado- very easy reading and he is so well-spoken and uses great analogies and stories to get his points across.  This book is about finding out exactly what God designed YOU specifically for- about finding your purpose in life and living it to the best of your God-given abilities. 

As I read through the first few chapters I knew I’d like the book as over and over again Lucado repeats the point that the reason God created us and the reason He’s given us certain abilities is for a single purpose:  TO MAKE HIM KNOWN AND GIVE HIM THE GLORY.  Here are some great quotes:

-“God endows us with gifts so we can make Him known”

-“Everything comes from God alone.  Everything lives by His power, and everything is for His glory.”  (Rom. 11:36)

-“We exist to exhibit God, to display His glory.”

-“God has given gifts to each of you from His great variety of spiritual gifts.  Manage them well…Then God will be given the glory.”  (I Peter 4:10-11)

-“Live so that He’ll get all the credit”

-“Use your uniqueness (what you do) to make a big deal out of God (why you do it) every day of your life (where you do it).”

It’s not about us.  God doesn’t need me.  He’s chosen to use me and He’s chosen to give me gifts and abilities to bring glory to Himself.  That’s what it’s all about.  Every day of my life. 

How do we get so side-tracked???